What PRYA Jewellery has in store for 2022
After a busy January, we’ve now fully waved goodbye to 2021 and are delighted to say a big hello to the rest of 2022. We wanted to share what we’ve got in store for PRYA jewellery in 2022. If you don’t already, follow us on Instagram and Facebook, where we share our latest creations, special offers and sales. Feel free to tag us when you wear our jewellery in 2022. We hope you have a fantastic year!
PRYA Jewellery in 2022
2021 was an awesome year and we hope to make this year even better for our customers with new designs, the latest trends at an affordable price and providing lots of helpful information on caring for and styling jewellery.

Personalised Jewellery from PRYA
PRYA is all about personalised jewellery, it’s what we’re famous for. We’ve always been dedicated to creating customised necklaces, bracelets and anklets because we think they make the most stunning pieces of jewellery. Jewellery, personalised for your style, name, birth year or month, is one of our specialisms. We are excited to be adding more to our range over the coming months and the rest of the year.
Personalised Necklace: Name Necklace & Initial Necklace
Our personalised necklace range is probably what we are known for most. Our plans for 2022 include creating more fonts to choose from in our My Name Necklace range. This range features your name, in your chosen type, suspended between the necklace chain. We currently have over 15 fonts to choose from but will be adding more soon. Plus, we’ve recently added a feature where you can select not only the length of the chain but also the chain style. The same updates are available for initial necklaces which will also see an expansion in styles and designs in 2022. But don’t worry, your old favourites are here to stay.
Personalised Anklet: Initial Anklet & Name Anklet
Customised and personalised anklets are our other big sellers. We don’t see as many bought in the first half of the year due to less than sunny weather conditions of the UK. But, come spring and summer this style will be booming. We’ll be adding to this range in the same way as our personalised necklace range, offering increased styles of font, chains and designs. This will include both our initial anklet and name anklet range. If you’re a lass that can brave the cold of January, check out our Angel Number Anklet collection, the number one trend for anklets right now.
Birthday Jewellery: Birthstone, Zodiac & Year
Personalised jewellery isn’t just about names and lettering, we love the more subtle style of customised jewellery that features colours, symbols and numbers. Colourful cubic zirconia and birthstone jewellery, especially birthstone rings, is the hottest sensation at the moment. Flashing your details without saying your name lets your personalisation whisper rather than scream. We’ll be fully boosting this trend in our own designs by adding more colourful interactions of our classics. Plus, adding more year styles in our necklace, anklet and bracelets designs. Our zodiac selection is here to stay but we’ll be hoping to expand this into other jewellery lines.

Celebrating The Latest Jewellery Trends for 2022
Talking of trends, we are always focused on adding the latest styles to our store at an affordable cost. Our motto has always been:
We believe that everyone should be able to wear high-quality jewellery and experience luxury that anyone can afford.
For drip and fashion, it’s usually been all about the money, but you can still get the look without spending a fortune when you shop smart with retailers like ourselves, who only use high-quality materials in the right styles. You’ll never notice the difference between ‘real and fake’ when you get jewellery this good.
New In
Our New In section is the place to go to see our latest designs. In 2022, we’ll be updating this area frequently to showcase our favourite new designs inspired by the latest and greatest trends. We also work with ambassadors and influencers on Instagram and Facebook to show you how to style our jewellery with outfits that work for your everyday. If you don’t see what you want, give us a holler! We are always looking for inspiration
Exploring Trends and Classic Styles
Fashion is our way of life. It’s not just in pursuit of jewellery but also in our hair, clothes, makeup and other accessories. We’ve used our blog and socials to showcase trends and styles from modern looks to historic fashions. Some examples include articles on Door Knocker Earrings, Old English Jewellery and Celebrity Initial Necklaces. Not to mention a round of style guides for seasonal trends, for instance, Summer Jewellery Trends 2021 or Winter Jewellery Trends 2021/2022. We’ll be continuing to share our love of jewellery and fashion with more of these posts on the blog.
Jewellery Blogs & Social
Speaking of the blog, not only will we be sharing more on trends, we’ll be sharing more of everything. We currently post at least one blog a week but in 2022 we’ll be sharing at least two articles. The blog's popularity has grown massively in 2021 after we launched in November 2020 and we are so happy our readers find our posts helpful. We’ve so much more to share with our audience in 2022. Come back to the blog soon to learn more.
How-Tos & Guides
By far our most popular articles include how-to and guides. The most-read articles include: How to put hoop earrings in, How to wear rings on multiple fingers and Can Women Wear Signet Rings. We will continue to produce high-quality blogs on the most frequently asked questions we receive from our customers. Our aim is always to provide honest advice on buying, caring and styling jewellery so you never get ripped off and you can keep your favourite pieces for years to come. If you’d love to explore the topic now, our Jewellery Buying Guide is a must.
Finding More Amazing Ambassadors
One more big plan for 2022 is to work with more amazing ambassadors. We’ve loved the creators we’ve worked with and met some incredible colleagues, now friends. We value high-quality content, clear communication and creative, collaborative relationships. We know our ambassadors have their audience’s best interest at heart, so we only work with creators who meet this level of trust with their followers. For our customers, it means they get to see our products in the flesh, on real people paired with fantastic fashion. It’s always great to see jewellery in person but we believe this is the next best thing. If you’re interested in becoming a brand ambassador, check out our ambassador page where we answer FAQs on working with PRYA jewellery.
Thanks for reading. We hope to see you on our jewellery journey in 2022!